1. Migration & Livelihood
Migration is a routine livelihoods strategy in rural Odisha and not simply a response to shocks and extreme vulnerability. Indeed, people migrate because there is not enough work in the source of migration, but such movement should not be understood only in terms of distress or forced migration, because many people perceived migration as an opportunity. Various studies in Odisha reveal that, many people would have fallen into deeper poverty without migrating out. The effort therefore should no longer be on trying to avoid or retard migration but to make it more caring, less unpleasant and more productive. In the period between 2016 to 2019 PARDA organization and supported agency Tata Trusts is clearly committed to the Goal of improve the quality of life of migrant workers by working at both source and destination supporting of district efforts to improve the phenomena of Migration. Building the proof base for the efficacy of different interventions and ways of working, setting standards for migration outcomes and developing methods for delivery of interventions will improve developed capacity of the system of network for scaling up. The Migration project has been initiated that in 2016-19 aim to take a focused come up to with an outreach to migrant families with in the 14,000 to 15500 migrants. It will cover 2 nos of Block name as Nuapada and Komna 54 GPs & 316 villages in district of Nuapada and it has been taken as a saturation approach. Nuapada continue to be a labor sending district known as in Odisha as well as spreading across all parts of India, because of its backwardness and poverty luck of education and implementation of the government activities. The key destinations of ST, SC OBC, are mostly migrating with their families to Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh to work in the brick kilns factory. Nuapada district is one of the migration suffering districts in the state of Odisha for which Govt. in the process to take up constructive strategies to take forward the migration reduction initiatives in Nuapada district. As a part of the intervention, this department in principle with the support of Tata Trusts has taken up a Social Map exercise covering 10 Gram of Nuapada block to identify if the household is a migrant or not. The Social Map so prepared for the purpose revealed that 2980 households (29.5% of 10077 households) of Nuapada block are used to migrate to various states Entry point activity Agricultural & Horticultural activity Livestock & aquaculture activities Health & sanitation Vocational training MRC-migration resource center Social security &Entitlement: Financial security
Livelihood Worker education 

2. To arrest Distress Migration under INRM programme: 
The Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) programme aims to address distress migration by enhancing sustainable livelihoods through watershed management, agroforestry, land development, and improved irrigation in Nuapada District, Odisha. This proposal outlines key activities and strategies to achieve these goals. Key Activities Watershed Management: Implement watershed development projects to improve water availability, soil conservation, and agricultural productivity.

WADI (Agroforestry): Mango Plantation: Establish mango orchards to provide long-term income and environmental benefits. Pomegranate Plantation: Introduce pomegranate cultivation for its high market value and adaptability to arid conditions. Lemon Grass: Cultivate lemon grass for its economic and soil conservation benefits.

50-Cent Model WADI: Develop small-scale WADI projects to diversify income sources and promote agroforestry practices.

Land Development: 30/40 Model: Implement soil and water conservation measures on a 30/40 plot layout to maximize land use efficiency. 5% Land Model: Develop 5% of the land for intensive agriculture, ensuring food security and income generation.

Water Conservation Structures: Trench cum Bund: Construct trench cum bund structures to enhance rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge.

LBCD (Loose Boulder Check Dam): Build LBCDs to reduce soil erosion and increase water retention. Check Dam: Construct check dams to improve water storage and availability for irrigation.

Plantation and Horticulture: Promote diverse plantation activities to improve soil health, increase biodiversity, and provide additional income sources.

Irrigation and Water Management: Farm Pond: Create farm ponds to store rainwater for irrigation during dry spells.

Renovation of Wells: Renovate existing wells to ensure a reliable water supply.

Digging Bore Wells: Install bore wells to access groundwater for irrigation.

Compost Pit: Establish compost pits to promote organic farming and improve soil fertility.

Tank: Develop tanks for water storage and multipurpose use, including irrigation and livestock.

Nutri Garden: Set up nutri gardens to provide nutritious food and improve household food security.

3. Promotion of Farmers Producer Organisation 
The main aim of FPO is to ensure better income for the producers through an organization of their own. Small producers do not have the volume individually (both inputs and produce) to get the benefit of economies of scale. Besides, in agricultural marketing, there is a long chain of intermediaries who very often work non-transparently leading to the situation where the producer receives only a small part of the value that the ultimate consumer pays. Through aggregation, the primary producers can avail the benefit of economies of scale. They will also have better bargaining power vis-à-vis the bulk buyers of produce and bulk suppliers of inputs. The concept of Farmer Producer Organizations consists of collectivization of producers especially small and marginal farmers so as to form an effective alliance to collectively address many challenges of agriculture such as improved access to investment, technology, inputs and markets.    

4. Special Program for Promotion of Integrated Farming in Tribal Areas PARDA implemented a special program aimed at promoting integrated farming practices in 10 Gram Panchayats (GP) under the Nuapada cluster. This initiative focused on: • Training and Capacity Building: Provided training to 500 tribal farmers on integrated farming techniques, including crop diversification, livestock rearing, and sustainable agriculture practices. • Demonstration Plots: Established 20 demonstration plots to showcase successful integrated farming models. • Resource Distribution: Distributed seeds, saplings, and livestock to enhance farm productivity and diversify income sources. • Impact: Increased agricultural productivity, improved food security, and enhanced livelihoods for tribal farmers.

5. Hunger & Rural Poverty Elimination Initiative The Hunger & Rural Poverty Elimination Initiative targeted child nutrition and the Rahat program within the tribal communities of Nuapada district. Key activities included: • Child Nutrition: o Conducted nutrition awareness camps and workshops, reaching over 1,000 children and their parents. o Distributed nutrient-rich food supplements to 500 malnourished children. o Trained community health workers to monitor child growth and provide nutritional advice. • Rahat Program: o Provided emergency food relief to 300 households facing acute food insecurity. o Launched community kitchens in 10 villages, ensuring access to nutritious meals for vulnerable families. • Impact: Reduced malnutrition rates, improved child health, and enhanced food security in targeted communities.

6. Disaster Risk Management/VDMP: Village Development Mitigation Plan PARDA developed and implemented the Village Development Mitigation Plan (VDMP) across 56 Gram Panchayats in Nuapada district. The activities included: • Risk Assessment: Conducted comprehensive risk assessments in each GP to identify vulnerabilities and hazards. • Community Training: Trained 2,000 community members on disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. • VDMP Formulation: Developed detailed VDMPs for each GP, incorporating local knowledge and resources. • Mock Drills: Organized mock drills to practice emergency response procedures. • Impact: Enhanced community resilience, reduced disaster risk, and improved emergency preparedness.

7. Social Security Inclusion for Transgender Integration PARDA focused on the social security inclusion of transgender individuals, promoting their rights and access to services. Key activities included: • Awareness Campaigns: Conducted campaigns to raise awareness about social security schemes available to transgender individuals. • Assistance Programs: Assisted 150 transgender individuals in applying for social security benefits, including pensions, healthcare, and housing. • Support Groups: Established support groups to provide a platform for transgender individuals to share experiences and advocate for their rights. • Impact: Improved access to social security benefits, enhanced awareness, and fostered a more inclusive society.

8.Therapeutics & Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled Persons PARDA operated a Therapeutics & Rehabilitation Centre providing support to 55 disabled children in Nuapada district. Key services included: • Occupational Therapy: Offered tailored occupational therapy sessions to enhance daily living skills and independence. • Behavioral Therapy: Provided behavioral therapy to address challenges and promote positive behaviors. • Parental Support: Conducted workshops for parents to support their children's development and well-being. • Impact: Improved functional abilities, enhanced quality of life, and increased parental involvement in care.

9.Mobile Healthcare Unit for Senior Citizens To address the healthcare needs of senior citizens, PARDA deployed a Mobile Healthcare Unit offering the following services: • Regular Check-ups: Provided regular health check-ups and monitoring for 500 senior citizens. • Medical Camps: Organized medical camps in remote areas, offering consultations, medication, and referrals. • Health Education: Conducted health education sessions on common geriatric issues and preventive measures. • Impact: Enhanced access to healthcare, improved health outcomes, and increased awareness of health issues among senior citizens.

10. Physiotherapy Centre for Senior Citizens PARDA established a Physiotherapy Centre dedicated to senior citizens, providing: • Physiotherapy Sessions: Offered personalized physiotherapy sessions to manage chronic pain, improve mobility, and enhance physical function. • Exercise Programs: Developed tailored exercise programs to promote physical activity and prevent age-related decline. • Education Workshops: Conducted workshops on maintaining physical health and managing common conditions. • Impact: Improved physical health, reduced pain, and enhanced mobility for senior citizens.

11.Observations of Key International Days PARDA celebrated several key international days to raise awareness and promote inclusivity:  World Consumer Day: Conducted workshops on consumer rights and protection, reaching 300 participants. 
International Women's Day: Organized events highlighting women's achievements and advocating for gender equality, with 500 participants. 
World Population Day: Held seminars on population issues and family planning, engaging 400 community members.
International Day of Persons with Disabilities: Hosted activities to promote disability rights and inclusion, with 200 attendees. • International Transgender Day: Celebrated transgender identities and advocated for their rights through rallies and cultural events, with 300 participants.

12. Future Plan & Conclusion Future Plan: • Expansion of Integrated Farming: Scale up integrated farming practices to additional GPs, enhancing agricultural productivity and food security.
Nutrition Programs: Expand child nutrition programs and Rahat initiatives to reduce malnutrition and hunger further.
Disaster Resilience: Strengthen disaster risk management efforts and replicate VDMPs in more GPs.
Healthcare Services: Extend mobile healthcare units and physiotherapy services to reach more senior citizens.
Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation: Enhance services at the Therapeutics & Rehabilitation Centre and expand support for disabled children inclusion.
Conclusion: The year 2023-24 has been a transformative period for PARDA, with significant strides made in various sectors, including agriculture, nutrition, disaster management, social security, and healthcare. Through dedicated efforts and community engagement, PARDA has empowered marginalized communities and fostered inclusive development in Nuapada district. As we look to the future, PARDA remains committed to driving sustainable development and improving the quality of life for all community members.